Activity 3D Cellomics
Creation of 3D cell models (spheroids, organoids, bioprinting)
Three-dimensional cell models are becoming increasingly popular as a means of mimicking many human pathologies, and can represent an alternative to the use of animal models. These models can be used to better understand a pathology or to test new therapeutic options.
The 3DCellOmics platform has expertise in the development of 3D cellular models such as spheroids (from cell lines), tumoroids (from patient tumors) and bioprinted models (using our BioX printer from CellInk). We are developing complex models incorporating several cell types, particularly immune cells.
Two bio-banks of human and canine breast cancer tumoroids are available for various studies within the platform. Other models can also be developed on request and after discussing the feasibility of the project with the platform team.
Extracellular vesicles purification and characterization
Extracellular vesicles are produced by cells and may be involved in a large number of diseases. They are present in biological fluids and can be used as early biomarkers.
The platform enables users to isolate extracellular vesicles from biological fluids (urine, saliva, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, amniotic fluid, etc.) or culture media using ultracentrifugation and/or size exclusion chromatography techniques. These vesicles can be quantified and characterised using Nanosight analysis.
The platform also has considerable expertise in analysing the protein content of extracellular vesicles using non-targeted mass spectrometry approaches (see MS4Omics section).